bilder på de bästa banden för nåra år sedan och nu...
a1 2002?
a1 2010 i miss paul... <3
watch a1 in Melodi Grand Prix, 6 februari
simple plan 2002?
simple plan 2008 pierre is soooo cute <3
watch simple plan in New York Minute
the click five 2006?
the click five 2009? eric was way cuter than kyle is<3
watch the click five in Taking 5
a1 2010 i miss paul... <3
watch a1 in Melodi Grand Prix, 6 februari
simple plan 2002?
simple plan 2008 pierre is soooo cute <3
watch simple plan in New York Minute
the click five 2006?
the click five 2009? eric was way cuter than kyle is<3
watch the click five in Taking 5